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Support SECA

Donations received by the Southern Early Childhood Association are utilized for special projects and to further the professional and leadership development of early childhood educators across the South.

Drawing Together teacher and child

To have a true sense of where you are going, it is imperative to know where you have been. Since SECA's beginning wars have been fought, men have walked on the moon and early childhood education has emerged as a national concern. With these changes have come changes in educational trends and philosophy. By reflecting upon the past, educators may better face the future and appreciate those who have come before. Help SECA continue to support changes in the field of early childhood by supporting those who are making great strides in the field.

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Friends of SECA

Kathy Attaway
Jo Carroll
Nancy Cheshire

Debbie Ferguson
Dr. Janie Humphries

Judy Prine

Dr. Pam Schiller

Deni Titcomb
Cathy Waggoner

Karen Walker


Friends of SECA have made donations of $100 or more. 

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